World’s first & leading test facility for demonstrating wave and tidal energy converters

Established in Orkney in 2003, EMEC is the world’s leading accredited test laboratory and inspection body for demonstrating wave and tidal energy converters, subsystems and components in real sea conditions.

To date, more marine energy converters have been deployed in Orkney, Scotland, than at any other single site in the world with 22 wave and tidal energy clients (from 11 countries) having tested 35 marine energy devices. EMEC is committed to supporting the transition to net zero and has expanded activities into other sectors including green hydrogen, floating wind, clean transport and energy systems.

Role in the WEDUSEA Project

  • The OE35 device will deploy at EMEC’s grid-connected Billia Croo wave test site
  • EMEC will provide metocean, bathymetry and geophysical data to feed into the design criteria for the wave energy converter device and facilitate planning of offshore operations
  • EMEC will also lead on environmental monitoring and impacts
  • EMEC will lead on creating the communication plan
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Our Partners

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.